Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Butterfly Kisses

Butterfly Kisses - Westlife

This song popped up on my Pandora music list one day, and since then it's enjoyed steady rotation in my iTunes player. Butterfly Kisses is a song that a father wrote about her daughter. It's a touching song (that isn't sappy) about the special bond that a dad and her little girl shares. Each stanza is actually the dad talking about special moments in his daughter's life: toddlerhood, Sweet 16 (or debut in Philippine context), then her wedding; and how he feels like he's on the top of the world as he sees his little girl grow up.

I'm not even married yet and already I'm looking forward to having kids. Although I want to have a boy as my first child (don't ask me why), I'm looking forward to a Little Miss Sunshine for my second.

The stream is actually Westlife's rerecording of the song. I have to admit they did a nice rendition of the song. Trust me. Even if you're not a big fan of the Irish boyband, you'll appreciate Butterfly Kisses. (I'll go on record by saying I'm one of the very few straight male Westlife ex-fans--I mean I still don't mind listening to them, I just don't go out of my way to buy their albums and stuff anymore.)

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