Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Music Break: Vincent

Vincent (Starry, Starry Night) - Josh Groban

I got interested again in Vincent Van Gogh's art after reading a piece about his mastery of evening painting in an issue of Smithsonian magazine. (One of my newest acquired magazines. I just lost three: PC Magazine, EGM, and Plenty—all have folded. Boo recession.)

Very nice melody, the vocals are soothing (even the original one by Don McLean, though I prefer Mr. Groban's rendition) but it's not something you would want to dedicate to someone for one simple fact: It's a song about Van Gogh, who may be a fantastic painter, but this is the same man who cut off part of his ear lobe and committed suicide. Not exactly a "romantic" song to offer to someone.

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